03 January 2011

Pensamiento - Chapter 18

"To take a path less travelled
Would I love, share my compassion and be patient with the world.
Would I fight and wage on the obstacles faced.
I could see sadness in compassion and embrace in war.
This is a never ending journey to make a difference.
Though i know i already did, but these will never end.
Not for satisfaction or dream. "

Pictures Spoken to the mind
When the chips are down on souls worn out from Playing this game.
May who see this, and need this, feel this.
There is no greater honour then to be in this journey.

Darren 'Mcknight' Quek

19 November 2010

Pensamiento - Chapter 17

"We should be building bridges, not raising our fences"

In our current state of the society, where violence is everywhere.
People ask what can be done? Who should we blame?
I ask Why is there such a phenomenom?
For our world has been moving so quick, there isnt much time to recollect.

"We should be building bridges, not raising our fences"

We have been so complacent about the safety we have.
And when it is compromise.
We stop living our lives like we do.
We start worrying needlessly.
We start "raising our fences"

When truth is we should really be building bridges.

Understand our fellow beings.
Give them love and trust.
Make friend with ourselves.
Maybe we may are bias when constructing this bridge.
But believe in yourself.
The bridge will get better after each.

"We should be building bridges, not raising our fences"

Darren 'Mcknight' Quek

03 July 2010

Pensamiento - Chapter 16

Protect your Dream
People cant do something themselves.
They want to tell you, you cant do it.

You want something in your life.
Go get it period!

Darren 'Mcknight' Quek

24 April 2010

Pensamiento - Chapter 15

Do you know how to drink a cup of tea?

When we say that you do not know how to drink a cup of tea, we mean that you do not know how to drink it corectly. You are not drinking it mindfully. You are not experienceing the tea and the whole process of drinking it. You are not living in the present. You are not present from moment to moment as you drink the tea. You are unmindful and forgetful od the tea. Even as you drink, your mind flits here and there, preoccupied with thoughts about yesterday or tomorrow, thinking, brooding or mulling over something or other; planning or worrying; being everywhere except being in the present with the tea!
THe problem is that we are not capapble of being alove in the present moment. We tend to postpone being alive in the future, So we never live in the present. And that is a great pity because the only moment to be alive and aware is now, in the present, not in the past, which is gone, or in the future which is yet to come.

21 February 2010

Pensamiento - Chapter 14

As we seek to achieve the many things deemed important to our lifes. We sometimes, forget that the whole point of that achievement is for us to enjoy and love the seeking.

How ironic, that in many people's life, they work, but detest their work, citing reason such as boring etc. But one look at our own life, we may be enlighten to see that we are actually seeking the wrong thing in life. We are on the right track but wrong path.

It may not ring much bell to many people insistent on the direction they are heading. But for as long as they enjoy and love what they are doing their insistent may very well be right. =)

Take this with a pinch of salt. take a look at our life. And see where we are heading as well as look at the path we are threading. Are we enjoying and loving? =) I know I'm learning to.

darren 'mcknight' quek

A Reminder Back Here

Given a nudge by my dear sister-mother Guolian.
"Hey i visit your blog everyday. but its still the same."


the author is in hibernation to bring out Tasteful Thoughts.
And he has woken. Thanks as well to the nudge.
And his life. Here Back Reminded.

darren 'mcknight' quek

14 December 2009

Pensiamento - Chapter 13

Refrain from Defending your Reputation or Intentions
So if anyone should tell you that a particular person has spoken critically of you, don't bother with excuses of defenses. Just smile and reply, 'I guess that person doesn't know about my other faults. Otherwise he wouldn't have mentioned only these'.

darren 'mcknight' quek

05 December 2009

Pensiamento - Chapter 12

Pay No Attention to Things That Don't Concern You
Don't be concerned with other people's impression of you.

They are dazzled and deluded by appearences.
Stick with your purpose.
This alone will strengthen your will and give your life coherence.
Focus not on what other people does,
but on keeping to your higher purpose.
Your own purpose should seek harmony with nature itself.
Let other people behaves as they well-
that is not within your control anyway, and thus is of no concern to you.

darren 'mcknight' quek

17 October 2009

Pensiamento - Chapter 11

Our world rates wealth over courage, comfort over commitment.
We think that nothing will ever disturb our lives.
We are surprised when people get sick and die.
We think that technology can fix everything.
We take our safety for granted.
We have more degrees but less sense.
We have more medicine but less wellness.
We've added years to life, not life to years.
We build everything bigger, but not neccessarily better.
We have more convenience but less time.
We have more communication but less understanding.
We make heroes out of actors but have no idea who the real heroes are.

*Personal Note:
"i will take care of you forever".

darren 'mcknight' quek

13 September 2009

Pensamiento - Chapter 10

Events Themselves Are Impersonal & Indifferent
When considering the future, remember that all situations unfold as they do regardless of how we feel about them. Our hopes and fears sway us, not the events themselves. But to seek out the opportunity in situations requires a great deal of courage, for most people around you’ll persist in interpreting events in the grossest terms; success or failures, good or bad, right or wrong. These simplistic, polarized categories obscure more creative and useful interpretations of events that are far more advantages and interesting.
darren 'mcknight' quek